
To install django-anylink just use your preferred Python package installer:

pip install django-anylink

Add anylink to your Django settings

    # other apps

Now, you should define at least one link extension, for example external links.


django-anylink auto-creates models for those migrations. To prevent them landing in Python’s site packages directory, explicitly define (and create!) a module for them:

    'anylink': 'migrations.anylink',

Details on how to use django-anylink in your Django application can be found in the Configuration section.

TinyMCE Integration

django-anylink comes with a TinyMCE plugin already integrated. To use it you only have to install django-tinymce according to it’s documentation and enable the anylink plugin.

    'theme': 'advanced',
    'plugins': 'anylink',
    'theme_advanced_buttons1': (
    'anylink_url': '/anylink/anylink/',